Technical support

We are ready to help you immediately

Please address your inquiry to the following address as appropriate.

All technical support inquiries submitted via e-mail will be answered in approximately one business day.

If you have purchased Cue product from an Authorized Cue Distributor, please contact your distributor for support.
This page will most likely have the answer to any questions you have regarding your Cue product. Further assistance can also be found in your product's documentation. 

This section relies strongly on your feedback. Please help us make CUE products better by sharing your experience/suggestions with us. All feedbacks will be delivered to the appropriate product management team for review. If you are experiencing problems for which you need a response from CUE customer support, please use the contact above. 

For hardware and software support please attach the information outlined below. This information is necessary for us to successfully help you.

  • Serial number of the CUE product
  • Firmware version (if applicable)
  • Software version and/or date
  • Provide a description of your problem.
  • Please include as much as possible information related to the problem.

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CUE, a.s. websites use "first-party cookies" for flawless operation. These cookies are set and managed by CUE, a.s., not by any external organization. They remember that you are logged in or have agreed (or declined) to this site's cookie policy.


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